
Hi! I'm Abhi, and I use this website as a portfolio for my projects. On the left there are links to things I'm working on, and things I have built in the past. If you want a background on things I have done in the past reference About Me, or my Resume.

Right now I'm working on a knowledge & learning platform, self-quantification, understanding social search, an interactive physics and simulations library, predicting gender of users based on their Instagram pictures, sentimental analysis on Yelp reviews, and doing funding predictions based on Crunchbase data.

I'm always interested in collaboration or working with individuals at hackathons so if you have ideas to help me develop some of my projects or have projects that you think I might be interested in please email me at me@abhiagarwal.com! I also run HackDays so if you're interested in our events - check us out here!

Also if you're interested in grabbing coffee - please email me. I'm happy to grab coffee anytime!